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ALDEA FELINA - Donaciones: Sabadell IBAN: ES20 0081 1142 9900 0119 5725 BIC: BSAB ESBB XXX

We have lots of playful and loving cats and kittens waiting patiently to be adopted. Health checks and vaccinations are done, now all they need is a new home and a loving family to spoil them. Please, visit us and enjoy choosing your newest family member.

Visit us on Sundays between 10:00 and 12:00 or make an appointment.


When you see this symbol, it shows you this cat is currently reserved. We present the cats on the website until the adoption is complete.

Click the button below to make an appointment or receive more information. We all look forward to meeting you very soon!

Here you can read about how we do our adoptions and decide which options you would like.

Cats waiting to be adopted
